Sunday, June 10, 2012

Another weekend past

Well, at least it's not raining at the moment.  Still have the horses shut in their paddocks, though, so they can't turn all the grass out in the main pasture into mud.  I'll probably let them out in the morning, though, if it stays dry. 

Wonder how Arthur is doing?  The weather tonight on the news looked like it might still be raining up there in Kentwood.  Well, at least there aren't any trees there in Zoilo's pastures that can get hit by lightning and fall on him anyway.  We always have to consider that possibility here since there are still a LOT of trees in back, all of which are tall and thin (because they used to be crowded together with a lot of other trees), and some of which aren't very healthy.  We spent many thousands getting trees removed after Katrina, but we just couldn't afford to have them all removed.  That's a good thing when the weather is nice since the horses can use some shade.  But I definitely worry when it storms, so I lock them in their paddocks where they're safer. 

Spent today doing laundry and cleaning up the kitchen.  Not much of a fun weekend -- but at least it's done.  

So I'm going to go ahead and go to bed early and go in to work early tomorrow to put in some extra time in case the horse chiropractor actually DOES show up on Thursday and I need to take time off.  The woman who does his scheduling responded to my e-mail saying he would be in Baton Rouge on 6/14 (he actually lives in Colorado), but she never did get back to me with a time OR let me know what I need to do in the way of a referral from Ann Chapman. 

So at this point, I have no idea whether he will actually be coming to check on Lizzie and Duke or not.  Originally, I just wanted him to check out Lizzie -- she holds her neck abnormally, and Ann has said in the past that she has a problem in her neck.  In fact, if I remember correctly, Ann took some (free) x-rays of her neck because she was curious about it the day she was doing those ultra-sounds of Lizzie's legs.  That's been two years back, I think.  And I can't remember exactly what it was she said about the x-rays. 

Guess I'll give her a call tomorrow and see if SHE knows what she needs to do about referring them to the chiropracter.  I'm sure she must have other clients he's worked with so she probably knows a lot more about how it works than I do.

And I decided to try and get him to check out Duke as well, while he's here (IF he's here) because Duke has been behaving oddly lately when Zoilo trims his feet.  He doesn't want either of his back feet picked up.  He doesn't try to kick Zoilo, but he DOES kick to get his feet put back down.  That is a VERY new thing.  He has sometimes given me trouble picking up his front feet, but he has always lifted his back feet automatically.  So it can't hurt to check and see if there is any problem "structurally."

Always something, huh?

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