Saturday, April 7, 2012

Poor Liz

A few days ago, I found Arthur mounting Lizzie.  Not good, but she was in heat and he IS a boy. 

But he's SUPPOSED to be neutered.  Since he's a mule, even if he actually isn't neutered he can't get her pregnant (I hope!), but poor Lizzie is NOT happy to be harassed constantly.  So I kept them separated by closing Lizzie inside her paddock.  Arthur has been standing at her gate kicking the crap out of it, but he couldn't get in and Lizzie was happy to be grazing inside her own space. 

Okay. So since Lizzy had been in heat for well over a week I thought she must be past it by now (she had stopped constantly standing around peeing and was behaving normally again).  So I decided to turn her back out yesterday. So what happened?   I'll tell you what happened!  Arthur went right back to mounting the poor girl! Duke has been doing his best to protect her, but Arthur is super sneaky. He continually manages to get to her anyway. 

So I put her back inside her paddock this morning, but hey -- what the heck is going on??? Is he doing that even though she's NOT in heat? Is she in heat for an incredibly long time for some reason??   Hmmm.   Guess I'll have to check back with the vet next week again. 

When she checked Arthur out before I bought him, the vet DID say that he felt like he had tiny little testicles so she couldn't be positive he had actually been neutered (although they SAID he was). I can tell you that if he isn't neutered, he's GOING to be. Can't have him being such a pain in the butt (so to speak) indefinitely.

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