Monday, April 9, 2012

Back to work

But things aren't nearly as horrendous as they were for a while there.  Back to normal.

Got my plane tickets for my visit to Ohio next month.  (Next month??? . . . is it almost May ALREADY???)  I'll only be able to visit for a little less than a week.  I don't want to have anyone who isn't used to them all caring for Duke, Lizzie and Arthur at the moment.  So Mark will be staying home to deal with them.  (Sorry, dear!)

Been getting suggestions to separate Lizzie from "the boys" with an electric fence, but I can't think how we might do that between the paddocks.  Arthur AND Lizzie tend to kick the bottom of the gate and not fool with the fence itself.  The only electric on a gate would be at the top so that wouldn't help.  (And if it WERE put at the bottom, I wouldn't be able to open it half the time, given my back problems.) 

Maybe it's time to set up an electric fence in the front so she can graze out there out of their sight without being able to trample the azaleas and go up on the front porch!  (which is what she did the last time we turned her out in front with just the driveway gate closed.)  Or maybe we should let Duke and Arthur out there instead and put Lizzie in back since there's so much clover out there in front.  Not sure that would be good for Lizzie.  But Duke can apparently eat ANYTHING and I think Arthur would have sense enough not to eat more than would be healthy for him.  I know we have more than enough of that heavy-duty wire we used for the back pasture fencing to do the front as well.  Well, I'll have to ask Mark what he thinks.

You know what? . . . I think, given all that overtime earlier, that I'm going to take off early today.

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