Sunday, February 6, 2011

End of the weekend

Well, Mark has come and gone already.  He was home for one day, and now he's on his way to Lafayette for the week for that First Responder school. 

We drove over to Walker this afternoon to look at that "house inside a warehouse," but forget that.  There is just no way I could imagine buying that place. 

First of all, although it's 17 acres, it's only a few hundred feet wide and - if I remember right - something like 1600 feet deep.    Since neither of the existing buildings could be used as a horse barn, a barn would have to be BUILT, and to be effective it would need to be built near the middle of the property -- which would be WAY too far from the house.  So just the shape of the property is unacceptable.  And second, the "house" (and I use that term loosely) is dark, dark, DARK!  It does have a few small windows on one side even though it's built inside a huge metal building, but nevertheless it is incredibly dark in there.  If it were up to me, I'd live in a glass house with trees and bushes planted around the perimeter of the property for privacy, but the house itself completely open to the outdoors.  Bottom line -- that place wasn't the least bit desirable to me.

And frankly, the traffic disaster we got stuck in going over there (even worse than usual!) made me even less fond of the idea of living that far from town.  Definitely NOT an option as long as I'm still working downtown.

On the plus side, seeing that place makes me even happier with our place - both the house itself AND its location.   So -- get on with the barn, Mark.  Hurry!

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