Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sometimes things just work out ...

I signed up at a health club this evening (more about that in a bit), so I got to the barn a little later than usual.  As I pulled in, the whole barn was full of people and horses!  Since Torri and I are always the only ones there in the evening, I wondered what on earth was going on.  Seems we have a new boarder. 

One of the other women who boards at Al's place is a therapist who is trying to start her own horse therapy practice.  Not the handicapped type therapy, but rather psychological therapy incorporating horses.  Anyway, although she has three paint horses of her own, she is not NARHA certified.  So . . . she has made arrangements with another woman to do the horse instruction for her.  That woman -- Lori -- decided to board her own horse at Al's place, too, so she moved him over there this evening.  She has an absolutely gorgeous grey draft cross named "Pops" who came from one of those draft breeders up in Folsom.  He is an absolute sweetheart, too.  He even gets along with Duke. 

Didn't get to talk with Lori for long this evening - she was too busy getting Pops settled in and getting ready to take back the trailer she borrowed for the move - but she seems very very nice.  Wonder if she does adult lessons?  Mark might be a BIT disappointed if he didn't get to continue learning from Amy (the gorgeous blonde vet student from Zimbabwe who taught him last summer), but Lori is a real cutie too, so he would no doubt adjust.  ;-)

Now -- about that health club . . . after checking out LOTS of them, I decided to go with Woman's Fitness Center in the Woman's Center for Wellness. 

It's  an enormous facility affiliated with Woman's Hospital and they're VERY intense about evaluating you before they set up your program.  Before you can begin, first your doctor has to fill out a permission form.  Then you go in and they do a thorough physical evaluation of your strength and flexibility, etc.  Then you come back a few days later and they spend an hour or so going over with you the program they developed for you.  I decided that even if I end up going somewhere cheaper down the road, I would spend the next six months at least with Woman's so I don't end up incapacitating myself at one of those places where you pay your money and they say, "Okay, here are the weights and machines - knock yourself out."   It's been 15 years since I belonged to a health club -- I'm afraid I might do just that!   My initial evaluation at Woman's isn't until April 21, though.  So I'm going to TRY not to spend the time in the interim shoving everything in sight into my mouth in preparation!  I DO have a nice carrot cake downstairs, though . . .  hmmm.

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