Friday, May 13, 2016

That raised bed at the front porch is moving right along . . .

. . . but it's been taking us WAY longer to build it up than we expected.  Still, it's going to be so much nicer.   

This was the area in front of the front porch before we got that raised bed started.
(Look at all those weeds growing up in there -- that's why we're changing it out.)
So a couple days ago they had put in that high back wall part of the raised bed, but the other sides hadn't been installed there yet.  And I bought some plants too -- they were sitting there on the porch waiting to planted there in the raised bed in front eventually.

There are those first 70 packages of dirt there in white bags in this pic (but eventually we got more like 200 packs to fill in the dirt in that whole 4' by 65' area) and there's a pile of mulch there in those black packages there on the right as well.

Finally today Jerry was able to put in a lot of those horrendous bags of dirt and I set some of those plants off the porch in that raised bed - but they're not quite where they're going to be planted exactly just yet.  We'll figure that out when we plant them tomorrow morning.  

And I also got a bit more furniture for that front porch as well. There's a nice interior chair back there behind that table below.  And by tomorrow there'll be a nice love seat back there in that far corner as well.  (I'll take more photos tomorrow in daylight.)
That chair there on the left isn't the color of everything else on the front porch -- it's going to get re-painted eventually.  (We brought it up front out of the back porch where the furniture back there isn't all dark blue.)  Of course you can't actually see the precise colors of all those things in this photo taken at night instead of in clear daylight.  

I also bought a nice love seat for the porch today from a lady nearby, but I wasn't able to unload it out of my truck myself, so it can't get up there on the porch until tomorrow when Jerry comes over again and unloads it for me.  (He helps us handle EVERYTHING!)   

Oh -- and in another month someone will be installing a gutter across the entire front porch to keep off all that rain that runs off the entire roof and onto that nice raised flower bed.  So everything there in front will be MUCH safer.  (Let's just hope there won't be any huge storms between now and then!)

Anyway -- I'll be posting more info tomorrow once we have all those plants planted and the furniture arranged nicely.  Hey - life is GREAT down here these days!

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