Monday, January 26, 2015

Progress anyway . . .

Well, once the floor in our home began to look like it was turning into white carpet I did finally take Boo over to PetSmart and get him brushed out -- finally.  

This pic was taken the morning after I vacuumed it all up the evening before!
(THAT's when I decided to get him over to PetSmart SOON!)

And here's Rocky's bed after Boo decided to lay down in there for just a little while.  Geees!

And here he is waiting for me to let him back into the house since he SAID he was cold outside --
even though he has enough hair to be warm down to 30 below, I think!

I'd let him keep it for the winter . . . IF it wasn't falling out all over the house!!

Well, I guess I better take a new picture tonight.  They really do a phenomenal job with him.  He looks wonderful.

But then there's Gigi . . . remember that giant, super-heavy rubber pad I got for her crate so she wouldn't have to sleep on a metal floor?  Well, she ate all four of the corners off of it! Now that CAN'T be good for her.  So I drug that thing out of the crate and then once Jerry came over this weekend, he hauled it out to the barn for me.  So now I just throw a few of those heavy bathroom rug things in there and she manages to go to sleep with them all under her head.  Hey -- whatever works for her!  But at least she isn't eating THEM anyway.  Of course at this point I'm giving her pig ears to chew on when she comes in so she isn't desperate enough to eat whatever else she can get to.  At least not so far anyway.  I'll tell you what, I will be SO happy when she gets old enough that she doesn't need to do something strenuous continually.  Gees!

Then there's me.  Everyone I know is aware of those memory problems I've begun having.  Well, it's NOT Alzheimer's disease.  They've done enough testing to determine that at this point.  But this Friday I'm going to have to go spend SEVEN HOURS (????) over at the Neuromedical Center taking memory tests of some sort -- who knows what they have in mind.  Once they determined that the problem wasn't Alzheimer's (I thought that was a huge relief, but in fact there is at least some meds for that disease -- but not for a brain injury), they told me there were no medicines or surgeries that could help, so why they want to do all this testing I don't know.  Oh well. I guess our insurance will pay for most of it (since we'll have that insurance for at least another couple months) so I might as well find out what the heck is wrong, huh?  

Oh - and then there's THAT issue of our NEXT insurance . . . what social security additions we need to deal with.  We'll have to make THAT decision within a month or two after we stop working so I guess we better get on with figuring it out SOON.  Not looking forward to that, though.  Sigh.  

It's always something . . .  what I'd really like to do is stop working AND stop worrying about what else we need to begin doing.  Oh well -- one day at a time, huh?

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