Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A terrific anniversary!

Mark is FINALLY home and he's feeling pretty darned good! 
And today is our 17th anniversary and we get to spend it at home together!  What a great present, huh?!  
And I also am finally feeling pretty much back to "normal" -- something I sure couldn't say anytime over the last month, that's for sure!  I guess that's what happens once you're happily married . . . if something happens to one, the other feels awful, too.  But as I said, we're BOTH getting back to normal at last.  Whew!  What a relief!
In fact, I'm beginning to feel so good that sometime later in the week I think I'm going to get brave and go up to Ken's place and work with Gigi . . . I think.   Let's hope that's going to be a lot easier now!
Well, we'll soon find out!

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