Monday, August 11, 2014

Gigi is being trained now - but there are a lot of family problems at the moment . . .

Since it has been so awful to take Gigi anywhere in the truck, Jan and Mike came over yesterday to help me haul her up to OK Guard Dogs for her training session.  As it turned out, she was just fine in Jan's truck!  I think the difference was first, that I was sitting back there with her, and second, that the windows in Jan's truck were significantly larger so she was able to see out, while in the back seat of mine she actually cannot see out at all so she apparently feels locked in or something and when the motor comes on she gets stressed.  So EVERY time I took her to the vet or to a dog training lesson she would pee and poop on the floor back there!   Gees!  So I began putting dog diapers on her each time she got in and then when we got to wherever we were going I would have to take it off and clean her off before taking her into wherever we were supposed to go.  Yuk!  But yesterday - nothing!  Yeaaaa! 
Now she's in a space about 8 X 10 or so inside one of his buildings -- which is good.  When Niki was trained, she was in a run outside.  I feel better knowing Gigi will be inside when no one is there with them!  It's definitely unlikely that anyone would try to get in there given the fact that the building is full of Rottweiler guard dogs!  I'm particularly glad to feel she's completely safe since he's going to have her there for at least six weeks -- he'll have her for however long it takes to get her completely trained.  I don't get to go over there for the next two weeks, but after that, I go over periodically (not sure how often yet) and learn from him how to work with her myself, as well, so that when I bring her home she will pay attention to me, too - not just to him. 
I have to say, I feel a little guilty for dropping her off up there.  But it really is necessary for her to get trained if we're going to keep her, so it's good he was willing to work with her because he is a really REALLY good trainer.

Well, Mark gets home on Wednesday - yeaaa!  But he's going to stop by the hospital over in Lafayette to see how Judy is doing before he comes home.  She seems to be having more and more problems all the time.  Not good.  Not good at all. 
What she has is Myelodysplastic Syndrome associated with del (5q) chromosome abnormality, so she's having to have blood transfusions more and more often.  It's good she's living with Christine and not alone, that's for sure.  If you're interested in a lengthy explanation, check out this reference article.  Here's another reference listing about it on the Clinical Cancer Research website, as well.  And of course it's also described on Wikipedia.   Pretty frightening.

And for that matter, Jan got a call yesterday while we were hauling Gigi over to OK Guard Dogs.  Her mom told her that her dad was in the emergency room, and her cousin called her back shortly and said her dad was being admitted to the hospital up there in Hattiesburg.  So I wasn't able to take them out to eat yesterday - Jan had to get right home so she could drive up there right away.  Hope he's gets better and gets to go home soon because her mom gets really stressed out when he's in the hospital.  It's too bad they refuse to come down and stay with Jan and Mike  -- then she wouldn't have to be driving back and forth (a couple hours each way) constantly.  They ARE both in their 90's so it's probably going to be more and more and more frequent, too.
Well, time to get to work.  (Probably for another year and a half!)

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