Friday, August 22, 2014

Good grief!

Yesterday Mark was fine - almost back to normal.  Today? . . . back in the hospital.  He'll probably be having surgery tomorrow or Sunday.  Monday at the latest -- whenever his blood thinning meds have worn off enough for the surgery to be safe.  This time instead of going in through the emergency room, he was admitted by Dr. Lyons, the surgeon who was handling him previously.  Good deal since he already knows what's going on and Mark won't have to have a whole lot of testing repetition.  So for the rest of today and tomorrow morning, he will just have to take those pain meds and rest, waiting for whatever the problem is to be dealt with.
So I'm finally back home since Zoilo is coming buy in just a little while to look at our equipment and tell me if he can build the round pen for us that I need for Shadow.  I'm pretty sure he's the perfect person to do it since he's a horse training person who knows exactly what I would need for the round pen.  I'd much rather have him deal with it than just a fence person who isn't familiar with horse training.  Then once he's finished checking it out, I'll head back up to the hospital for a while. 
Please, please, PLEASE let Mark be okay really really soon.

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