Monday, April 1, 2013

Productive weekend --

I am obviously busier than normal lately - that's one reason why there have been fewer blog entries.  Of course, the other is that my laptop no longer connects online so I have to go upstairs and hang out in the office by myself if I want to get online -- something I do less and less often. 

Mark sure got a lot done this weekend, that's for sure!  For one thing, he got that fence that was smashed when the tree blew down in that last hurricane replaced.  The horses took advantage of that and hung out in the dog yard while that went on.  I would have thought that all that dog poo would have been unacceptable to them, but apparently not . . .  at least not for Lizzie.  As for Arthur, he's more likely  investigating the place than eating in there.  Anytime he goes into a new space, his first action is to walk all the way around the outside edge and check the place out completely before he kicks back and relaxes and goes to grazing.  You can see below that that's what he's doing in the dog yard.

Just behind Arthur in the picture above is the dog door onto the porch.  Sure glad he didn't decide to check out that porch like the horse in that Facebook picture -- remember?

Of course, if Duke had been over in that area, HE probably would have!  But as it turned out, he wandered down to the gate on the other end of the dog yard that had been inadvertently left open and got out into the (open) front yard!  Fortunately, he stopped to eat the tall grass out there long enough that they managed to get the front gate shut before he got around to heading down the road YET AGAIN!  That boy is SO ornery!

Anyway, now the fence is repaired completely and the horses can't come up there and stick their heads over it to make the dogs throw fits!  And we got a good start on reassembling the barn, too.  Mark and Jerry got the saddle rack put together and most of the stuff that belongs over in the garage hauled out of the barn and over there.  But now I need to order a storm door to put in the doorway between the feed room and the room with all the tack so that all that stuff won't keep getting covered in dust.  I didn't think it would be that bad inside the barn away from the stalls, but it sure is!

And inside is coming along as well.  David got the cables for the cable TV and for the DISH satellite, along with an electrical outlet, installed halfway up the wall in the dining room so we can put up the TV in there that Mark's company just gave him.  I HOPE that will mean that we won't be eating in the living room from now on, but we'll see.  Let me tell you, every time Mark gets up off the sofa, Boo waits for him to leave the room then he RACES over to where Mark was sitting and sticks his head under the sofa to see what might have been spilled down there!  All too accurate, believe me!  Crackers and popcorn are the most common -- and Boo seems to be very fond of both!  (Of course, he may well be doing the same to me - he always waits until Mark is gone before he runs over there to look, so maybe he's waiting for me to leave the room before he check on me as well!)

It was supposed to storm again today, so I left the horses all locked inside their paddocks.  Instead it's a clear, beautiful sunny day.   Mark is in a class somewhere over in West Louisiana (he had to leave at 5 AM this morning!!!) so they're going to be stuck in there until I get home.  I don't know about Arthur and Lizzie, but I know Duke is completely p---d off, for sure!   Oh, well.  I'll be going home early, so they'll get back out by 4 at least. 

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