Tuesday, January 22, 2013

And another "real" week begins . . .

I'm back at work today -- holding my breath and hoping that no one calls to tell me Duke is out visiting the neighbors again!  (I gave everyone my Google-Voice number so that if it EVER happens again, they will be able to reach me no matter where I am.  All they had last week was our home phone number and that's how Duke managed to spend most of the day running around the neighborhood.  Not good!)
But I DID close and lock the front gates when I left this morning.  That's going to be a serious pain when it rains (the driveway area under those gates gets deep in water before anywhere else does), but I'm going to keep them closed all the time when Mark is away at work anyway . . . just in case.  
I'd LIKE to have an electronic gate opener, of course, but I'm just not sure any of them would be sturdy enough to keep Duke in if he shoved against those front gates WITHOUT having chains around them.  And I can't think how it could be possible to have an electric wire across there to stop him.  I'll have to check around.  Maybe they have an opinion at Tractor Supply . . . 

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