Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve? . . . are you sure??

Well, it's SUPPOSED to be Christmas Eve -- but it's pushing 80 degrees out there and climbing!  Gees!!  The weather man says the temp is going to go up still more until the "cold front" -- that isn't going to do a darned thing about the heat, it'll just lower the humidity -- gets here tonight.  But that lower humidity IS supposed to lower the danger of the storm that will be coming too.  Well, that did get me off my butt and out to the barn to haul enough hay over from the hay shed to last at least until the weekend.  I HOPE someone stronger than me will make it over to haul out some more by the time those are used up. 
Jerry, Mark's previously frequent helper, has been coming back by again for the last few weeks so maybe I can get him to come haul it out for me -- although he usually will only come over when Mark is home.  Jerry USED to come every weekend when he was home and help Mark with whatever he happened to be doing.  But then Mark one day asked him to help pick up horse poo in the back pasture.  He left that day and we didn't see or hear from him for more than a year!!  (Obviously I will NOT suggest that he do that anymore!)  But on the plus side, his refusal to help clean the pasture was why we put that ad on Craigslist that resulted in our meeting Buddy and Lisa!  Hey - thanks, Jerry! 

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