Friday, November 16, 2012

Mark is fine . . .

Been getting a lot of calls from folks who are afraid Mark was one of the guys missing from that rig that's in flames in the Gulf just offshore here in Louisiana.  I hadn't heard a thing about that, but I looked online and found an article in the New Orleans newspaper web site.  That rig IS fairly near his current work location, but he's off work until next Tuesday night.  And once I read the article, it looks to me like that would never have happened on Mark's rig.  I mean, I think his guys would have better sense than to cut a pipe full of oil with a torch!  Here's what the paper says happened?

. . .it appears workers were using a torch to cut a 3-inch wide 7-foot long pipe which had around 28 gallons of oil in it, authorities said.

Mark was in a class today, taking a test for yet another license of some sort so he had his cell phone turned off.  And I've been at work, so there's no one to answer the phone at home, either.  I guess that must have panicked the family!

But all is well.  (And I'll be even happier than usual to see Mark come home after class today!)

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