Thursday, November 15, 2012


I got up bright and early, prepared Lizzie's flush syringes, grabbed her clean fly sheet to protect her stitches from dirt when she rolls and headed for the barn.  Got as far as the ramp off the porch.  We had our very first frost this morning and . . .
Took this an hour or two later and it's STILL shiny, even after being in the sun for a while!
Guess I should have noticed that, huh?

. . . yep, took two steps down the ramp and ended up flat on my back, syringes all over on the ground, and a REALLY hard knock to my head.  In fact, for a good 10 or 15 minutes I couldn't remember why Mark wasn't at home or what I was doing out there!  Scary!

It was hard to get back up.  But I managed to get back inside and lay back down for a few minutes.  Whew! 

An hour or so later, I did go back out (down the FRONT steps, NOT the ramp!) and feed the horses and change Lizzie's sheet, but she did NOT get flushed this morning.  Sorry, sweetie.

Taken just before I left for work -- and STILL a bit frosty!  Brrrr!
 I AM at work now, but I have a knot on the back of my head, and the bottom of my spine (coccyx?) still hurts a LOT when I sit down and when I get up.  And occasionally I still find myself drawing a blank on something I start to do.  NOT good.  I suggested to John that he pay particular attention to my work today.  (And those who know him know he definitely will!)

Come lunch time today, I'm going to spend my time searching online for some way to make that ramp SLIDE PROOF!  Gees!

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