Friday, November 23, 2012

Well, it's been an "interesting" week.  I've been so grateful that my back pain has been reduced to pretty much nothing.  Wonderful.  But then when I fell last week, my head hurt a LOT for a while there.  If I even lifted my hair in that spot it hurt like the devil.  But now, my head doesn't hurt at all anymore unless I actually touch that spot.  But the pain at the bottom of my spine kept getting less and less avoidable.  Initially, if I layed down or stood up it wasn't a problem - only when I sat.  But after the first few days, no matter what position I was in I could feel it. 
But then today when I was coming out of Arthur's stall I almost tripped on the cover over the center hall drain.  I didn't fall, but all my muscles tensed a LOT.  Don't know what that did, exactly, but for the first few minutes that spot at the base of my spine hurt so much! . . . way more than it had until then.  That was this morning, but in the 8 hours or so since then, it seems to be reducing a lot.  I guess whatever I did when my muscles squeezed must have helped move something back to where it belongs or something.  Who knows.   But I feel a lot better.  I just hope that result is permanent! 
But never mind "me" -- let me update you on everything else around here, huh?  First, the weather down here could not be more perfect!  It has been absolutely beautiful for the last couple weeks.  Nice and cool.  Beautiful sunshine.  Lovely. Lovely.  Lovely.
And Lizzie is doing very well.  Ann will be over Monday afternoon to remove her surface stitches.  I'll be keeping her fly sheets on her until everything is totally healed though. 
I've been locking the gate in the front and letting Lizzie out to graze in front instead of in the back with Duke and Arthur, just to keep her calm and safe. 

See that dark stripe down her right shoulder? . . . that's the drainage from her cut.

I have to either sit on the porch or sit looking out the window to make sure she isn't going to eat anything bad for her when she's out in front, though.  She seemed to very much want to trim the weeds out of the front flower beds.  I was tempted to let her (how helpful THAT would be!), but I kept running her back out to the front since I wasn't sure if any of it was poisonous.

Here she is eating the weeds that are coming up in the new raised beds where nothing "real" has been planted yet.

That's why we keep trying to find "sterile" soil for in those beds.  Weeds keep growing in there otherwise.

Then, as if eating those weeds wasn't bad enough, I looked out and there she was eating Live Oak acorns just like Duke did until we cut down the oak trees in the back pasture!  Gees!

Look how many of those acorns there are on the ground there.   I hope Buddy comes by soon while the ground is still dry so he can run that vacuum thing around there and pick up those acorns and all the leaves that are everywhere at this point.
Look at all those leaves! - and they're not even directly under those trees. 
I guess they've just been blown around all over the place.
Check out the front porch now.  Nice, huh?  I really love that dark teal color.  (I'm sure David is happy to hear that -- I feel sure he doesn't want to paint everything on there AGAIN.)
That's "Garage Cat" coming over to visit with me -- she's convinced that the porch is her personal home.  She is always sleeping on one of those cushions during the day - but she does go back into the garage on cold nights.  (That's why that left garage door above is open about a foot -- that's her personal entrance.)
Well, just got a call from Zoilo.  He will be coming by this evening to trim everyone's  feet.  It will probably be dark by then so I'm sure he'll be very happy to see that there are now bright lights in everyone's stall now.  
It's good he gave me plenty of notice.  Guess I better go get dressed for the first time in days, huh?

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