Saturday, January 29, 2011


Okay.  On the plus side, I finally found my Pro Stock saddle that I haven't been able to locate for the last couple weeks.  Turns out I had put in into a box and set it aside in the garage to make room in the truck's trunk for the saddle I borrowed from Janet.  Then I promptly proceeded to forget what the heck I did with it.  (Thankfully, Mark hadn't felt a need to clear out that side of the garage since then - although I don't THINK he would have pitched the box without checking what was in there . . . .  I don't think.) 

So anyway, I got a Sharpie and wrote "saddle" in giant letters on the side of that box.  Good grief!

On the minus side, I was heading down to Sacs this morning after I fed the horses to see if they had any 5 1/2" medium port bits (for Duke - he needs a wider bit) when I realized (after the first 10 miles) that I hadn't remembered to put my purse in the truck.  Sigh.

Back to the house.

So now for the last hour I've been trying to find Jon Katz' latest book (Rose in a Storm) that I borrowed from the library a month ago.  So far no luck on that one.  I'm telling you, given how much time I spend trying to locate things now, I guess I don't need to wonder what I'm going to do with my time once I actually retire!  And I can barely imagine how time consuming it will be once I hit my 80's !!!  Hey, maybe we DO need a smaller house.  Or at least one with about a tenth as much "stuff" in it.

But I'm going to consider having found that saddle a giant "plus" (if Janet's saddle turns out to work as well as I think it will, maybe I'll sell that one to pay her for the new one), and stop worrying about that book for now.  I'm planning to straighten up around here tomorrow.  Maybe it will turn up then.

But right now I'm going TAKE MY PURSE (ahem!) and drive back down to Sacs to look for that bit and buy some more horse feed, then drive another 10+ miles over to PetSmart to buy Boo his Science Diet and some rawhide somethings.  Boo is absolutely the best dog I've ever had, but he DOES feel a need to chew on leather.  So far he has shredded our leather garden gloves, Mark's stirrup hobble straps, and the leather band off Mark's leather hat  -- I found it before he started on the hat itself.  Anyway, by that time I should be finished listening to my current book on CD, so I can stop by the library and return all my CD books (that I have NOT lost since they all stay in the truck!)

By then it will probably be time to go back over and feed the horses, then come home and do laundry.  So much for Saturday.

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