Monday, August 20, 2012


Just as I begin to consider living somewhere else yet again, whatever disturbs me around here disappears.  Today?   All that rain that they were predicting would continue this entire week is GONE.  And not only that, but at the moment the temperature is a good 15 degrees cooler than it's been in weeks!  Okay - so maybe I'm NOT considering moving after all.

Mark had to go to yet another class today so he stopped over to visit with Judy on his way home.  She seemed fine - although Oren was less than alert from what Mark could see.   

As for me, I haven't done much of anything except feed the dogs, cats, and horses.  I SHOULD probably have saddled up Arthur and worked with him a while since it's finally cooler out there, but the ground is still so soggy that I hate to do it just yet.  So -- I got to be lazy after all. 

Oh - when I got home David was actually still here.  He had pretty much finished up the bedroom window alcove and painted that entire wall to match the Formica so it wouldn't be too noticeable.  It actually looks really good.  I'm thinking maybe I'd like the entire room that color.   

He still needs to put those curtain tie back things back up.  Without curtains, I just close those outside shutters at night (that's what that dark teal color is in those windows).

I really like that marble windowsill, too. 

We've decided that his next project will be updating my bathroom faucet and repairing the walls in there - also eaten by Joey (sigh), and painting the baseboards and crown molding.  Before we moved in, they primed them, but they were never actually painted.  Hey - it's only been six years. 

Once that's done, he will go on to put Mark's bathroom back in business.  It's been completely empty for about a year now, I think.  (Darned good thing we have lots of bathrooms, that's for sure!)

But first Mark needs to pick out floor tile.  What I like, he doesn't -- and vice versa.  But that's the good thing about "his" and "her" master baths . . . his floor can look like anything he wants (and I'll TRY not to grit my teeth). 

;-D   Then once that floor has been installed, the vanity from the upstairs bedroom can be disconnected and moved down into his bathroom.  That'll make a big difference in that upstairs bedroom, too.  It'll seem MUCH larger.

And after that, David is going to re-do the front porch, and the outside bottom of the back porch, too - but both of those have to wait until the rainy season is over.  Maybe next month.

Onward and upward.

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