Sunday, August 19, 2012

Even wetter than usual . . .

I know I've mentioned before the fact that it has been raining EVERY day for weeks now.  But this weekend is way worse than usual.   

Taken during an hour-long break in pouring rain.  The pond is not only full, it's running over!  And the little stream that usually drains the pastures into the pond has gotten SUPER wide at this point.  Guess when the rain stops (if it ever does) we should wade over to that land next door and see what the water has done to that so we can let John and Bruce know.   

And oddly enough, it's JUST us!  I-10 / 12 runs straight through the middle of Baton Rouge.   Those north of 12 have been getting barely a sprinkle. Down here south of Baton Rouge? . . . major flooding. 
The red star is our place.  The arrow is the direction the storms are moving.  Once it passes us, it tapers out and not much happens once it crosses the highway and moves north.  Strange.

And it's NOT just my imagination.  Here's what the news says this morning:

South of I-12 Gets Soaked Today
Today’s weather amongst the WAFB viewing area will be a tale of two halves.  If you take I-12 as the dividing line…some areas to the north will see nothing but some sprinkle activity; while areas to the south could see an additional 2-3”.  That’s because the main weather disturbances that will be causing our wet weather today will travel on a more southerly route than they did yesterday.  It will also mean that forecasting for Baton Rouge itself will be somewhat of a challenge as it falls directly between the two halves.  Because of the heavy rain potential today mainly south of Baton Rouge, the National Weather Service has issued a Flash Flood Watch until 3 PM for extreme southern parts of the WAFB viewing area.

I am NOT looking forward to driving in to work tomorrow.  Yesterday I returned the steel post that they attached to that marble windowsill I picked up last weekend and driving home through the storm yesterday the battery warning light kept blinking on and off because the water was splashing up all the way to the battery -- in a TRUCK!  And that was driving out Sherwood Forest.  The River Road and Nicholson both go under water when it pours like this.  So getting to work should be a real challenge. 

But I guess I don't need to start worrying about it today.  Tomorrow is another day.  And it'll be easier for me than for Bryan regardless.  Bryan is here today despite the storm.  He's putting up the inside walls in the tack room.  HIS truck has a problem with the power steering/brakes that he needs to get repaired, so he said he really needed to come work.  Gees.  Driving home today in a truck with no power brakes cannot be a good thing.  Sure hope everything works out okay for him.

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