Monday, July 9, 2012

Monday, Monday . . .

Got to work, sat down, took a deep breath and finally relaxed.  It's been a busy morning already!

It's supposed to storm off and on for the entire week, so I've closed the horses in their paddocks again.  I don't want them out in that back pasture when it storms until we get those trees topped. 

Just checked our local weather radar and I swear, it looks like we're completely surrounded and the heavy part is moving our way from West to East.  Glad the horses (and Arthur!) are already locked away from the trees since I'm here at work and couldn't to get them if things get bad.

Besides - having them stomp around on sopping wet ground tends to muddy up the grass.  So this morning I cleaned up all their stalls and put down lots more shavings.  Then I filled all their hay containers with fresh hay, cleaned out all their water buckets and filled them with fresh, clean water.  That way they can all comfortably hang out inside while it pours down rain this afternoon.  Then of course once I got back inside I had to get the dogs fed, let them out and back in, then get myself showered and dressed.  Then, since it's Monday, I needed to gather up enough frozen dinners for lunch all week.  And of course I needed to make my iced coffee for the trip into work.  (I'm seriously addicted to that French Roast Cool Brew.)

So, now I need to get everything ready that needs to be filed this week since I'll be leaving early tomorrow.  Lizzie's vet will be coming out at 3 tomorrow.  I think Vickie will be back over from Opelousas, and Bruce, Bonnie and their daughter, Elizabeth, will be back over from Mississippi on Wednesday.  They will be signing the formal purchase agreement for that property next door this week, and Bonnie and Elizabeth haven't ever even looked at that property yet!  They've been here to visit with us before, of course, but they paid no attention to that land then.  Why would they? 

So . . . I HOPE I can get that electric fireplace and TV we have sitting out in the dining room moved back into our bedroom and those new bookcases in place  before everyone shows back up.  (One good thing about the fact that we plan to eventually replace all the downstairs flooring is that I can just scrape everything across the current one without worrying about whether it scratches it or not!)

Pictures to follow!

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