Thursday, July 5, 2012

Lizzie - again . . .

When I got home this evening I went out to check on everyone's water (it's HOT).  The first thing I saw was that Lizzie's water looked a bit odd.
Both her water buckets were full of foam.  Gees!
(I did empty them and put in fresh water after I fed her since she had stopped drooling.)
She was standing with her butt against the interior stall door so I couldn't see her face, but when I walked out into the stall I was horrified to see her foaming at the mouth!  Scared me to death!  So the first thing I did was go in and try and call LSU to see if Ann Chapman was there in the office.  But it was a little after 5 so I got the answering service instead.  So I sent a couple of these pictures to her by e-mail and told her I would be calling for an appointment in the morning.  It's time to have her teeth checked anyway (I'm supposed to do that every 6 months now.)  So I hope she'll have room for an appointment tomorrow.

She looked really awful!  Her eyes running and foaming at the mouth!

Then I went back out and walked her around and brushed her and she acted perfectly normal -- except she kept slobbering.  So I went ahead and fed everyone.  She sure didn't act sick when her food came.  She scarfed down her dinner as actively as she ever does.

And THEN -- when she got done -- her mouth looked perfectly normal again.  What the heck???

Gees!  That was around 6 or so.  I've been out there checking on her a number of times since then.  When I went out last at 10 or so, she was sound asleep in her stall.
She got a little surprised when the flash went off
(that's why her nose is dilated),
but there has been NO FOAM around her mouth.
So  . . .  I'm leaving her in peace the rest of the night. 

I DO hope the vet can come tomorrow anyway, given that the weekend is coming up.  I'd just like to know why the heck that happened! 

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