Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Therapy begins . . .

Yesterday was quite a day.  It was my first physical therapy session and my first massage therapy session.  And I have to tell you, that massage therapist is amazing.  She's a little bitty woman.  When she came out and introduced herself I thought, "Oh, no -- there is no way she's going to be able to do that good a job with those little hands."  Happily, I was completely wrong!  In fact, she's the best therapist I've ever been to.  She not only has nice strong hands, but she's amazingly good at the medical aspects of the job.  She found places that were the origination points for some of my pain that weren't anywhere near where the pain felt like it was -- I'd have never figured that out.  But she loosened up some muscles and I'm able to move better now after just that first hour.  Fantastic!

And thank goodness I had the massage therapy BEFORE the actual physical therapy.  It made all those exercises at least a little more bearable. 

So now I will be going back three days a week for an hour and a half of physical therapy and one day a week for the massage therapy.  We'll see what comes of it.   But after just one day, I DO see some differences already.  Now how much is from the therapy and how much from the massage, I can't say. 

Mark is supposed to go to physical therapy as well, but he's been putting it off while he finishes up our horse accommodations.  Hope he finishes soon, not just because I want to bring the horses home, but because I'm sure Mark will feel a LOT better once he gets started in therapy, too. 

He sprayed all the fence lines today so he won't have to put Jerry to work weed eating it all again next time he gets in.  And since I've been harassing him about putting up a nice wide curtain rod in the dining room for a couple months, he finally decided to go ahead and get it up so I would finally quiet down, I guess.  Anyway, I bought new drapes that are significantly wider than the window so that when they're open the entire window will be visible and lots more light can come in. 

Hmm. Guess I should take that floral tablecloth off.
Not exactly good with those striped curtains, is it? 
And I need to sew each of those side panels together -- they didn't have panels wide enough for what I had in mind, so I had to buy two pair.  I intend to sew them together, but once Mark got the rod up I just HAD to go ahead and put them up to see how it was going to look.   (The colors in this pic aren't exactly accurate, but close enough.)
Poor Mark.  He has to head back to work tonight, but at this point he's probably thinking it's time to get back to work and get some rest anyway!

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