Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Got gas this evening -- whew!    I knew gas prices had jumped up, but I was still pretty shocked when I looked at that pump and saw $70-something!! Wow!  I just THOUGHT I was buying a lot of stuff online these days.  I think at this rate I'm going to have to buy EVERYTHING that way because I won't be able to afford to drive to the store!  Hey - just bringing the horses home will save us $60 a month in gas . . . and they're only 5 miles down the road!!

Hmm.  Wonder how I'll feel re-reading this entry 10 years from now?  By then gas will probably be $10 a gallon and I will be reminiscing about how "reasonable" prices were back in 2011! 

Along that line, I DO remember when I used to fill my car up completely for only $3 or $4.  (Gas was only a quarter a gallon back then.)  Wow, does THAT ever make me feel ANCIENT!!

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