Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wow! . . . can't wait for this delivery!

I've been looking for new sofas or love seats for quite a while now.  But all of a sudden yesterday I saw one online that not only has spaces to set cups and glasses, etc. but it also has both USB and electrical outlets inside that center console! Wow!  I had no idea that was available inside any sofa.  I have electrical lines plugged in for my Kindle and my laptop next to the current sofa and those lines are hanging out across the side of the sofa.  Not very attractive!  So with this I'll be able to plug them in inside that center console and just close it when we have company so it's not visible.  Actually EVERYONE here visiting us would be able to do that as well since I've ordered TWO of these, so now there will be FOUR seats right next to those plug-inable consoles!   (Hey, Vickie -- you won't have to sit out there in the dining room with your computer anymore.)  Good thing she won't have to do that there in the dining room anymore since we're going to remove the TV that's currently in the dining room and move it up into the office upstairs.  Oh, and we're also going to get a really really LARGE TV and put that on the wall upstairs in that library room as well.   Hmmm.  Since the visitor bedrooms are upstairs opening off that big room, it probably will seem like a living room to anyone who's sleeping up there.   ;-D 

I have never ordered anything like this online.  I wanted to be able to sit down on them to try them out first.  But in this case it SOUNDS like exactly the perfect thing for us so I just went ahead and ordered TWO of them!
And the really good part too is that they're made with "faux" leather, not the real stuff . . . 

that means the dogs are unlikely to try and chew 'em up! 

AND there's not just USB and electrical outlets inside those center areas, but there's also lights there on the top.  Excellent!
Oh - and those recliners also work electrically -- they don't open with those big handles.
(Big handles might also have been something that the dogs might have grabbed as well!)

And instead of a third recliner there in the center, there's a drawer.  That also seems like a great thing for us.  
(Still less junk visible to company!)

And since I ordered them, they're not only going to ship those sofas free, they're going to deliver them all the way inside the house.  And the minute they put them inside the door they'll be in our living room -- just the right place for them.  Free! Perfect!

But now since we're getting TWO of those things, we are going to have to figure out how the heck to get our existing sofa and some chairs, etc. etc. etc. out of the house.  I'm thinking we'll check with Jerry and see if he is willing to get all that stuff sold -- in which case he can have half the money. Or maybe Zoilo could use some of it somehow. He's coming by to trim the horses' hooves on Thursday afternoon so I guess we can check with him first before Jerry shows up on Saturday.  If Zoilo wants any of them he can just have them free.

I'm sure we'll find some way to get that furniture we no longer need out of the house.  But I also have all kinds of clothes I need to get rid of.  And that stuff is going to go to Goodwill. But I just need to get busy and sort out everything in that giant closet we have in the master bedroom.  It's 8 feet deep by 20+ feet wide and it is absolutely FULL of "stuff"! . . . only about half of which I actually still wear.  I'll tell you what -- if anything happens to us poor Wendy is going to have one heck of mess to deal with if we don't get it done NOW while we're still able to function well!  And it's not that I'm unable to do that work -- I'm just lazy!  Gees!  It's definitely time to deal with all those things.  Maybe I should be spending one day doing that each weekend.  Oh.  Hey.  Once I'm retired -- SOON -- I could spend a few hours each weekday doing all those things at the house, the same time as I spend at work at the moment!  Wow!  Maybe the place will finally be in good shape by the end of this year!   Let's hope so anyway!

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