Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Uncle Ralph's Internment in Arlington Cemetary on 2-17-15

Here are photos of Arlington Cemetery as it looked when we visited there while we were up at Vickie and John's place a few years back.  It really is lovely.

But the weather was incredibly cold and snowy during Uncle Ralph's burial!  Mark and I weren't able to get up there, but John took a lot of pictures so we could see what all was happening.  (Thanks, John!) 

Uncle Ralph was buried next to his son who died so long ago.

Vickie and John with Uncle Ralph's wife.

I wonder if Uncle Ralph's wife is going to remain in their home or if she will sell it and move into an assisted living apartment.  She looks great and seems fine, but she IS in her 90's.  But I don't actually know whether her family folks are living nearby or not -- I'm sure that would make a difference.  (I think we probably won't have to move away from our home once everyone gets their houses built next door to us! . . . we hope anyway.)

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