Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Good things . . . and not --

I was SO excited that Mark would be coming home this morning.  I stayed home from work looking forward to that. But at 5:30 this morning he called me to tell me some guy had pulled out in front on him on a highway and he hit him on the front right of his truck.  Oh, no!  But when the police showed up (finally) he was told that the guy did have insurance so he'll be putting his truck in for repair and driving a rental vehicle of some sort until it's fixed.  He was able to drive it on home although he did have to hang onto the wheel at all times because it kept trying to turn off the road to the right as a result of that wreck.

Well, now that he's home it IS great to have him back at last. With all those folks who've been staying here for the last couple weeks he seemed to have been gone for AGES!   

Okay, so life IS good again.  But then when I went into the bedroom a little while ago I saw "something" on the floor. When I got closer and picked it up I found that it USED to be my glasses -- they had been chewed apart by one of the dogs in there.  (I can't tell which one that was -- luckily for them!!)  

I found the chewed up glasses on the floor just below Joey there on the bed and just in front of Rocky there on the floor, so no telling which it might have been.  They both LOOK innocent anyway.  Well, those particular glasses were from a year or so ago, NOT the new one -- fortunately.

I also had a problem with the equines today as well.  It was very simple to put Arthur's blanket on him -- apparently he was feeling pretty cold already because he made absolutely NO objection to having it put on.  But I decided not to bother putting one on Shadow since she bit me that last time while I was fastening it up.  Apparently she hadn't worn one before so no need to bother anyway, I guess.  As for Duke, I put his on while he was eating.  I fastened the straps under his chest, but I didn't fasten the buckles in the front since he had his head down so far into his bucket.  So I figured I'd just go on out to open up the gates to let them out of the paddocks since the flooded areas have gone down finally, then I'd come back and fasten up his buckles.  But before I could get back he came RACING out of his stall and his blanket blew off over his rear end and he simply stepped out of it!  Gees! So I just went and picked it up out of the mud and left him undressed since he apparently isn't cold enough to care whether he's wearing a blanket or not!   It is supposed to go down to the 30's tonight but it's at least not supposed to be going to freeze -- but it wasn't supposed to freeze last night either but the grass was all covered in ice when I went out to feed them early this morning.  Well, it's not going to stay cold for all that long.  In just a day or so it's supposed to get back up to the 70's.  Looking forward to that!

Sure glad I closed those paddock gates again this evening.  I hear SO much fireworks out there that sounds like gunshots. I hate that! No one is allowed to do fireworks in East Baton Rouge, but unfortunately they are allowed here in Iberville Parish.  And SO many folks do that back behind us.  That's why I decided to keep the horses up in their paddocks near our house and away from all those other folks' properties! Well, at least it's way colder out there this year than it usually is so maybe all those folks won't party outdoors all night this time -- I hope.

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