Mark's sister Judy has reached a point where she is no longer waking. They expect that she will be gone within a day or two - possibly over night. And poor Mark is still stuck in the hospital. He will have been there now for 3 weeks as of early Wednesday morning . . . waaay too long. At this point he is at least past the point of requiring even more surgery (two were more than enough!) but given the fact that he's hooked up to half a dozen or more things at the moment, he can't get up and move around without the nurse unhooking EVERYTHING so he just stays in bed most of the time. I can't imagine how he would get over to Judy's funeral if it happens in the next couple days. His other sister is determined to get him over there somehow, but it seems to me that getting Mark well is FAR more important than sending him off to Judy's funeral with the chance that it could push him back to serious problems again. I hope to God he doesn't do that! Once someone has died, it's unlikely that they know who is or is not there with them at the funeral. If he closes his eyes and concentrates I really believe he would be able to connect with her mentally as she heads away.
Well, he IS a grown-up. What he does in this case is up to him. But I am certainly hoping he doesn't risk himself to get over there and see her buried.
Well, he IS a grown-up. What he does in this case is up to him. But I am certainly hoping he doesn't risk himself to get over there and see her buried.
1 comment:
I'm sorry that you are going through such a hard time now. I hope Mark gets back on his feet soon.
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