Monday, June 16, 2014

Neighbors . . . and us --

There have been land guys adding dirt to the property across the street to raise it up a few feet for the last six months.  We were interested at first, but it got pretty boring after a few months of the same old thing all the time!   But when I came home from work last week, there was the beginning of a house . . . at last! 

Looks like it's going to be a pretty nice place, huh?  The properties on that side of the road DO require that the homes be at least 2100 square feet on the 1 1/2 to 2 acre properties -- something that does not apply to the homes on our side.  But on the plus side, WE are allowed to have horses -- they're NOT.  Anyway, that home is right across from where Vickie and John will live so it's good that they will have a nice view.
As for my weekend, the best part is that Gigi, Joe and Rocky all get along just fine together, as it turns out!  I've been putting off letting them get together, but Saturday (on her six month birthday!) Gigi apparently decided it was time to go play with them, so SHE opened the gate between the two dog yards and they all played together for 2 or 3 hours, apparently with no problem at all because I didn't hear any barking or growling - although I didn't actually see them together at all until I went out to let them back in!  Apparently they enjoy each other just fine.  Great!  Except, of course, that Joey ran up onto Gigi's porch and into her crate and ate all her food.  Gees!  Joe gets only ONE cup of food twice a day because he had surgery on his hip and knee and they told me it's absolutely critical that he not gain weight if he's going to continue to function well.  Gigi, on the other hand, eats SEVEN cups of dry food with two can's of canned food mixed in with it daily -- and she is barely a good weight.  I want to not see her ribs at all, but that hasn't happened so far to date.  She's growing so fast she isn't getting heavier.
Anyway - when Mark comes home Wednesday, he will need to install that new dog door in place of the smaller one on her porch door so that when they play together I will be able to lock that dog door so Joey can't go in there and eat her food and steal her bones and toys. 
Poor Mark - always SOMETHING waiting for him to come home and deal with.  This week he not only has that dog door to deal with, but three pieces of furniture I ordered online that are going to have to be put together, plus several other furnishings that I bought locally that need some repairs.  (We're finally putting furniture in the guest rooms upstairs besides just the beds.)  Wish that guy who used to help us with that sort of thing hadn't moved up north.  I'm sure Mark would appreciate some help!   

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