Sunday, May 25, 2014

Had a terrific day --

After having been unable to chew anything at all for the last few weeks, I finally got back to just about normal this weekend, so we went over to Texas de Brazil today with Jan and Mike.  Enjoyed it even more than usual since I haven't eaten anything that good for SO long!  And we haven't had a chance to get together with Jan and Mike for more than a month either.  So today was great. 
Oh, and I got the bid in an e-mail tonight from the guy who came out yesterday to bid on those dog yard divider fences.   As it turned out, he was not just a fence guy, but a landscape guy as well.  So he's coming out tomorrow (on a holiday -- that was a surprise to me) to cut back those bushes that are taller than the 6-foot high fence, and trim up all the live oaks, and also open up the plugged drain pipe that runs under the driveway, as well.  He won't be able to come do the extra fencing until Saturday, but that works for me.  That way once Mark goes back to work a week from Wednesday I won't have to get up in the middle of the night and put Gigi in her crate in order to let the other dogs out.  There will be a separate dog yard and I'll be able to just open the door.  Excellent.
Well, now that I'm getting to the point where I can actually fit something else into my tummy after eating SO many things earlier while we were out, I think I'll go down and get out that dessert I brought home from there.  Ummmmm!

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