Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Good thing I was looking where I was going when I went out tonight to feed the horses!  I told Mark the other day that "something" was digging a hole next to that new concrete walk from the house to the barn.  Well, maybe this is what was doing that! . . .
See that dirt just below the snake -- that's where I knew "something" was moving in!
So here are some close-ups.  if anyone knows what kind of snake this is, DO let me know!  (Is it poisonous??  If so, it has to go before it gets to the horses.)

I wasn't sure it was actually alive at first because it didn't move at all while I took a bunch of pictures.  But when I looked back out the window after I came inside it was already gone so obviously it was just staring at me, and NOT dead.

Super close up of its face -- good the camera will do that because I sure wouldn't!!

I stayed home from work AGAIN today.  I took Gigi to the vet for her final vaccinations first thing this morning, and although for the very first time she didn't pee or poop in the truck, she WAS a serious pain to control.  She turned five months old last week and now weighs 61 pounds and tries to pull me around ALL the time.  Hmm.  Time to put a prong collar on her, I guess.  Anyway instead of going to work after I got her home I went back to bed instead!  Gees!
Well, I hope Mark can find someone there on the rig who can tell us what kind of snake that thing is.  SURE hope it's non-poisonous.  If so, it's welcome to eat all the mice it wants!  But if so . . . well, I hate to think how the heck we'll be able to get rid of it!  But hey - one thing at a time.  First, what IS it????

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