Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It it's not one thing, it's something else . . .

A few days ago my right shoulder and upper arm began hurting beyond belief.  What the heck???   I hadn't pulled anything as far as I know, but if I so much as tensed the muscles when I BEGAN thinking of reaching for something - before I even actually moved - the pain was excruciating.  And when I tried to sleep, every time I tried to turn or pull the covers up, or move at all, that pain would wake me up instantly!  I couldn't justify the emergency room -- I mean, come on -- but I did call Dr. T. first thing Monday morning.  She told me to come over right then (I LOVE our doctor).  And as I told her, the longest I had slept between wake-ups over the previous 2 nights was 3 hours.  In fact, I was generally waking myself up about every hour!  So by Monday I was completely, totally, absolutely exhausted!  And REALLY pissy! 

She prescribed pills for arthritis pain (we aren't positive that's what it is at this point, but hey . . . ), but more importantly, she gave me some heavy duty narcotic pain meds (along with pills for nausea in case those made me nauseated), and told me to take 1 1/2 of them and then lay down immediately since being upright would make nausea more likely.  So that's what I did last night.

At only 8 o'clock!  It would have been even sooner if I hadn't had to go pick up horse feed and cat food and then feed the horses. 

But once I got to bed, I managed to sleep straight through until 5:30 this morning when Boo woke me up by howling like crazy because he had to go out!  So I got here to work this morning by 7:30!   My arm and shoulder do still hurt, but not quite as much as they did - or maybe not being exhausted just makes it more bearable.  But I'm certainly way better today that I have been for the last few days, that's for sure.

I'll tell you what . . . once you get past a certain point in life, it's just one d---d thing after another, isn't it?

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