Monday, October 29, 2012

Bleh --

Well, I'm here at work.  That's about all I can say for myself this morning.  I was sick as a dog yesterday -- so sick that I didn't even bother setting my alarm when I went to bed before 8 last night.  But I felt a little better this morning when I finally woke up, so here I am.  I SAY I feel better, but the thought of eating is still really disgusting so I guess I'm not completely back to normal just yet.

But John had an applicaton he needed to file today, and after I got it ready to go on Friday while he was out, I stored it on my local drive.  That meant he wouldn't have been able to get to it if I hadn't come in today.  So when it came down to deciding if coming in here was worth it, I was pretty much forced to convince myself it was.  And now we're waiting for some additional info from the inventors so I can't go home just yet.  Sigh.

In the meantime, I'm keeping an eye out to see what "Sandy" is up to. (Check out these pics.) 

According to a Reuters article,
About 50 million people from the Mid-Atlantic to Canada were in the path of the nearly 1,000-mile-wide storm, which forecasters said could be the largest to hit the mainland in U.S. history.
Frightening.  I hadn't been paying a lot of attention earlier, but Buddy said on Saturday when they were over that all the other employees at their company had already headed out for the East Coast to feed all the electric company folks who will be trying to get power back on up there - so he and Lisa are running the restaurant down here all on their own.  That may sound good but it's probably not fun for them!  But the idea that every last person where they work except them has been sent up to the East Coast is a definite indication that everyone is taking this thing really really seriously.

Got a funny note yesterday, though, from Mark's sister Vickie up in DC saying that they had been bringing in their outside furniture and taping the glass on their windows while the neighbors and their kids stood around watching them in surprise.  But eventually those neighbors -- knowing Vickie and John are Louisiana natives who know how to deal with hurricanes all too well -- began preparing in the same ways!   (Too bad they're not going to have the generators that Vickie and John have.)

Sure feels odd to be in beautiful, clear weather here in Louisiana while watching a hurricane hit in DC, though.  VERY strange.  

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