Monday, July 23, 2012

Too much to do!

Moving right along . . .  David still has to paint those backer boards at the top and put the second coat of paint on the shutters themselves.  Plus those bottom guides were installed differently than they need to be for storm protection.  They need to be turned around so that those big rubber wheels will run across the front of the shutters and not just along the bottom.  That will  keep them from pulling forward during a storm.  But I'm sure he'll finish up with them tomorrow.

Next, he's going to install that window in Arthur's stall, and remove the window seat in our bedroom.  Then . . . IF it has stopped raining by then . . . repaint the porch floor and the front door and sidelights. 

So MY next porch-related project is going to be getting some nice comfy furniture for out there once the porch itself has been updated.   Well, actually, my own next project has GOT to be our bedroom closet.  You cannot believe what a disaster that thing is.  In fact, you have to SEE it to believe it . . .

This is my end.  All that stuff piled on the left is mattress pads and things that came off that bed we just donated.  Not sure WHAT to do with those.  Maybe I'll wash everything and put it up for sale on ebay as one large "lot."  Unfortunately, they're piled on the cart that is where I generally stick clothes to be washed.  But since there's no room on the cart, you can see clothes that have been worn laying EVERYWHERE in there.

These pictures are SO embarrassing, but I think if I post some "before" pictures it'll encourage me to get on with cleaning the thing out, just so I'll be able to take the "after" pics.  Sure hope that works!  Sigh.

This is Mark's end.  Actually his end is pretty tidy - under all that stuff that I have piled over there!  Okay, Mark - I admit it.  It's my fault.  My fault.  MY fault!! 

Look at all those shoe boxes on top of the chest of drawers -- I ordered those online and they don't fit well.  I've been planning to sell them on ebay for, oh . . . maybe a year?

Okay - now that I've admitted all that, let's get back to the OUTSIDE, shall we?  Hopefully Mark's next project will be moving the azaleas and camellias from the space in front of the porch over to the front of the barn so we can eliminate all the grass and weeds that have grown up in front of the porch.  It looks just AWFUL right now.   (Although not nearly as bad as my closet.  I admit it, dear.)
Remember this picture of Mark - well check out the weeds in front of the porch there behind him!

And here's the other end of the porch - the sunny end.  This picture was taken several months ago.  You should see the weeds on that end NOW -- they have to be at least 2 feet tall!

Maybe we need to hire yet another person to deal with all the landscaping problems.  I'm sure the neighbors would appreciate that.  In fact, I'll bet they'd like us to put that near the top of our list.  All too often when we're sitting on the porch or heading out to the barn we see the neighbors busily working away in THEIR yards.  I wish I could say that it's because they're much younger than we are, but while that's true of the folks across the street, it is NOT true of the neighbors to the side of us -- the guy who's generally out there mowing his grass down to the nub about three days a week!  

Well enough of that.  I've worn myself out just THINKING about all the work I need to do.  I'm going to bed! 

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