Friday, September 16, 2011

Duke! . . . STOP THAT!

There are several places where there are short lengths of fencing around here, and in those places there are no tighteners -- the fencing is  just stapled to the posts with those inch-long "staples" so they can't be tightened up.  Unfortunately, Duke seems to have discovered exactly where those spaces are.  And unfortunately,  one of them is in Duke's own paddock between the barn and the chain link dog yard.  Since he watched Ladybug grazing in the front yesterday and today, he has been hanging out along the front fences, and today he really gave me a start!  I was seriously concerned that he was about to just climb right through that fence!! 

Look at that!  He's just LEANING on that fence!
Shortly after I took these, he turned completely sideways and was lifting his back leg as though he was thinking of stepping sideways through the fence!!  Oh, no!  

So I  yelled at him to "get back" (he KNOWS what "back" means).  
I yelled at him and he looked at me like "What!  I'm just EATING!"
He looked at me like he wasn't going to do it, but then he DID back up and he actually turned around and walked away back into his stall.  Relief!  

But then he turned around and casually strolled back to his stall as if that were his own idea.  GOOD boy!
Look at his coat and mane in those pictures.  What a mess!  Tomorrow I  WILL clean those horses up -- starting with Duke.  Well, after I get back from having Boo cleaned up, that is.  I made an appointment with a new groomer tomorrow and I need to get him over there between 8:30 and 9 so tomororw will be another early morning - just as if I were going to work.  Guess I need to go ahead and hit the sack so it won't be  QUITE so hard to get up in time to get everyone fed and get him over there by then.

I'll tell you what, though.  I may be tired tomorrow if I don't get to bed soon, but I'll still feel perfectly "normal," NOT in pain.  By noon today I was feeling SO much better.  And tonight, as I said, I feel completely absolutely NORMAL again.  How wonderful!  Of course I understand that those pills can't be taken all the time, so I'm NOT going to be happy when this short-term treatment ends.  But for now, I'm just going to enjoy how good it feels this weekend!

1 comment:

reba said...

Duke is such a pretty horse. That is funny but probably not to you...his head through the fence. Sorry...have a nice day.