While I had my coffee the other morning, I was reading Jon Katz' Bedlam Farm Journal (as usual), but that morning I decided to check out some of the blogs HE likes that he has listed there. One thing led to another and I ended up watching this amazing dancing horse video. I always have loved Frisians, but these are AMAZING! When you have a little time, go check them out. Lovely, lovely, lovely.
Picked up some new outdoor curtains for my sleeping porch Saturday morning. They were on sale extremely inexpensively but the only size they had was 108" long -- 9 feet, and our screened porch is only 8 feet tall. So I took them over to my sewing lady to have her hem them -- along with another half a dozen pair of slacks. (She hems everything I ever wear -- I'm just too darned short.) Anyway, she charged me more to hem those curtain panels than I paid for them to begin with! Oh well -- even so, the total is still only half the original price, so . . . I can live with that.
They're going to go up on my sleeping porch room, and then I'm going to put a few grommets into the bottom of each panel so that if we have another storm, I'll be able to fasten them to the wall and I won't have to cover the bed with plastic. They'll keep the rain from blowing all the way in out there. And in the meantime, those drapes will make that porch look like a "regular" room. Well -- those and the watercolor painting and lamp I found over at Goodwill this weekend! I'll tell you what, that painting looks like an entirely valid watercolor painting, complete with an artist's signature, so why they would sell it for next to nothing I don't know, but hey -- I definitely took full advantage of that along with a number of other cool things over there.
Oh, and then I asked David to hang the mirror that used to be in my bathroom in the corner of the bedroom. I couldn't hang it myself -- the thing must weigh a GOOD 50 pounds, I'm not kidding!
The entire weekend was great. Took Joey and Boo to the vet. Boo needed yearly vaccinations so they would accept him at the groomer! Joey was getting rechecked for his ongoing skin rash problems. When we got there, Craig (the owner of the clinic and my friend for the last 30+ year) was there to see us. He only works something like every other weekend and a few days a week these days so it's been a while since he's been the one to see any of my guys. Anyway - he did a thyroid test and while normal is considered 1 to 4, Joey's result was 1.3. So Craig said it's possible that all his skin rashes and weight gains may be a result of a thyroid imbalance even though he's not entire outside normal. So -- we're going to put him on thyroid medication for a month, then go back next month and see if the rashes have improved and what the test result will be then. I hope that's it because he has been put on antibiotics over and over and over again with no real result. Got my fingers crossed.
Bryan and his help got the last of those fallen trees cut up and hauled out to the road. Well, almost all. When they got down near the bottom of that huge tree that fell over the fence from the other side, the dirt-covered roots were SO heavy that the bottom 6 or 8 feet of trunk just stood itself back up again over to the other side! Terrific. It's gone anyway and that's all that matters to me.
Then in the afternoon, Buddy baked a stuffed chicken and made some shrimp that were rolled in seafood of some sort and then in bread crumbs and then deep fried. REALLY good!
Oh - then David brought a horticulture specialist friend of his over to give us a price on redoing the planting in the front of the house (where it's FULL of weeds at the moment). The final decision was that David is going to build two raised beds - one along the side of the front porch and one in the front of the barn - and then she's going to dig out the camellias and azaleas and move them into those raised beds. Then they'll kill EVERYTHING along the front of the porch except the crape myrtle trees and ground cover about a foot or so out from the front of the porch. Not sure yet what we'll put on top of that cleared ground. But just having those weeds gone will be more than enough to suit me!
So the weekend was great. But tomorrow is going to be even more incredible! The storage building guys from Houston will be over first thing in the morning building the hay storage building. (Mark leveled out the ground out there and bought some extra concrete blocks so the building will be a bit higher than they usually make them.)
While that's going on, David will be building those raised beds. And the MerryMaids will be cleaning the house.
The two storage benches I ordered from Amazon are scheduled to be delivered tomorrow, too.
I'm planning to put one on the front porch around the side by the barn and put the chair cushions for the outside chairs in there (instead of on a chair in the dining room) to keep the garage cat from messing them up. And in the other one that I'll be putting on the back porch, I'll put away out of sight things like our steam cleaner and all the cat "stuff" and get all that out of the kitchen and the utility room inside!
Then on Wednesday, David is going to spray paint that hay storage building and by the end of the week, Joey Hebert will be delivering 150 or 200 bales of hay!
Quite a week for us. So many things happening! (And SO much money going out!!!) But I have to say - by the end of this year, our place is going to be in so, so, SO much better shape. Makes me feel really good to envision that.
Come visit! You're going to love it!
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The color isnt' very good, taken inside under artificial lighting, but on the porch there is so much reflection that it isn't visible in photos taken out there. |
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Can't read the signature, but it LOOKS real . . . |
As for the rest of the stuff, it obviously isn't really valuable. But on the other hand, I've been looking for some artificial flower arrangements all over the place and hadn't been able to find anything under $39. So these -- all between $2.99 and $4.99 -- seemed REALLY good to me!
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Hmmm. A BIT blurry, huh? You'd THINK I would have noticed that before. |
Oh, and then I asked David to hang the mirror that used to be in my bathroom in the corner of the bedroom. I couldn't hang it myself -- the thing must weigh a GOOD 50 pounds, I'm not kidding!
The entire weekend was great. Took Joey and Boo to the vet. Boo needed yearly vaccinations so they would accept him at the groomer! Joey was getting rechecked for his ongoing skin rash problems. When we got there, Craig (the owner of the clinic and my friend for the last 30+ year) was there to see us. He only works something like every other weekend and a few days a week these days so it's been a while since he's been the one to see any of my guys. Anyway - he did a thyroid test and while normal is considered 1 to 4, Joey's result was 1.3. So Craig said it's possible that all his skin rashes and weight gains may be a result of a thyroid imbalance even though he's not entire outside normal. So -- we're going to put him on thyroid medication for a month, then go back next month and see if the rashes have improved and what the test result will be then. I hope that's it because he has been put on antibiotics over and over and over again with no real result. Got my fingers crossed.
Bryan and his help got the last of those fallen trees cut up and hauled out to the road. Well, almost all. When they got down near the bottom of that huge tree that fell over the fence from the other side, the dirt-covered roots were SO heavy that the bottom 6 or 8 feet of trunk just stood itself back up again over to the other side! Terrific. It's gone anyway and that's all that matters to me.
Then in the afternoon, Buddy baked a stuffed chicken and made some shrimp that were rolled in seafood of some sort and then in bread crumbs and then deep fried. REALLY good!
Oh - then David brought a horticulture specialist friend of his over to give us a price on redoing the planting in the front of the house (where it's FULL of weeds at the moment). The final decision was that David is going to build two raised beds - one along the side of the front porch and one in the front of the barn - and then she's going to dig out the camellias and azaleas and move them into those raised beds. Then they'll kill EVERYTHING along the front of the porch except the crape myrtle trees and ground cover about a foot or so out from the front of the porch. Not sure yet what we'll put on top of that cleared ground. But just having those weeds gone will be more than enough to suit me!
So the weekend was great. But tomorrow is going to be even more incredible! The storage building guys from Houston will be over first thing in the morning building the hay storage building. (Mark leveled out the ground out there and bought some extra concrete blocks so the building will be a bit higher than they usually make them.)
While that's going on, David will be building those raised beds. And the MerryMaids will be cleaning the house.
The two storage benches I ordered from Amazon are scheduled to be delivered tomorrow, too.
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They're 4 1/2 feet wide and will hold up to (and I quote) 707 lbs. Guess that means Mark and I can BOTH sit on there at the same time, huh? |
I'm planning to put one on the front porch around the side by the barn and put the chair cushions for the outside chairs in there (instead of on a chair in the dining room) to keep the garage cat from messing them up. And in the other one that I'll be putting on the back porch, I'll put away out of sight things like our steam cleaner and all the cat "stuff" and get all that out of the kitchen and the utility room inside!
Then on Wednesday, David is going to spray paint that hay storage building and by the end of the week, Joey Hebert will be delivering 150 or 200 bales of hay!
Quite a week for us. So many things happening! (And SO much money going out!!!) But I have to say - by the end of this year, our place is going to be in so, so, SO much better shape. Makes me feel really good to envision that.
Come visit! You're going to love it!
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