Thursday, July 12, 2012

We're getting back to normal weather - sort of

Well, it's been an entire day now with no rain.  Wow! 

When I realized it wasn't going to rain last night or today, I turned the horses out of their paddocks and into the main pasture for the first time in darned near a week.  Well let me tell you, BOTH of them went RACING out ran up and down out there just for the fun of it!  But apparently they were no longer all that fit because when I went out to feed them this morning they had both gone back to their stalls and were sound, sound, SOUND asleep.  Duke, in fact, was SNORING!!!  He was sprawled out on his side in his stall and didn't even hear me come into the barn.  I took several photos with a flash, even, and he didn't even twitch.  But I have to say, that was the first time I've EVER heard a horse SNORE!!!

No, he's not dead - not even sick.  Just VERY comfy.

Lizzie was sleeping, too -- but a lot more "horse-like."

As for Arthur, well . . .  what a mess.  When I took his feed in this morning, I saw that his legs were a muddy mess all the way up past his knees!  Good grief!

So I walked out to look at his paddock and sure enough . . . he has turned that space next to the divider fence into an absolute disaster!  I'd swear he's been trying to "dig out"!!  Do mules do that????  LOOK at this!


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