Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Okaaaay . . .

I'm finally able to sit up here at the computer again!  Yippee! 

I've been off work for two days because my back has been killing me!  I haven't been able to stand back up after sitting or even leaning forward.  Apparently it's been a muscle spasm problem caused by that disk that's out of alignment.  There's not much that can be done about it, other than surgery to re-align it -- NOT something I'd like to have done unless I can't walk at all otherwise! 

Anyway, I went back to the doctor today and we did some exercise movements and now I'll be taking a double dose of muscle relaxant and a double dose of Aleve twice a day for a while and whenever I'm sitting (at work, for instance!)  I have to get up once each hour and walk for five minutes. 

Hmm.  No idea where the heck I can walk that's of the slightest interest to me down there, but I'll think of something, I guess.  Anyway, it's back to work tomorrow finally.  Glad I won't be using any more PTO - and I imagine Jeanne is glad I'll be back since John and Khayenne are out of town for a dog show (he's the one who files things for her when I'm not there). 

Now I just hope I start to feel good enough soon to deal with the horses and THEIR physical therapy since I haven't been able to find anyone to help with that.  It would have to be someone close by since it needs to be done daily.  Well, maybe Mark will deal with Duke and I can handle Lizzie soon -- then I'd only have HALF as much to do.  We'll see.

Oh - early this morning as I was letting the dogs out, a small yellow plane was flying in continuous circles very low to the ground.  Since it was obviously not spraying anything I'm guessing it was taking pictures for one of those online satellite map programs.  I'll tell you what -- it was extremely precise.  It flew around - and around - and around - and around moving what looked like only a hundred feet or so in each circle.

I watched it fly around half a dozen times before I even went in and got my camera - and it was still right there!  Interesting.

Well, Mark is home and a guy who's coming to give us a bid on removing a bunch of tree stumps is due shortly so it's time to stand back up. 

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