Friday, June 29, 2012

It's FRIDAY !!

Although I have to say, it doesn't look like this weekend is going to be all that restful.  Talked to Zoilo a few minutes ago and discovered that he plans to leave his house tomorrow morning at 7 AM !!!!!!  That means that if we want to pick Arthur up from him tomorrow, we will have to leave OUR house  at 5 AM!!!  Argh!!!   And THAT means that Jan and Mike will probably have to get up way earlier than they'd like, as well, since we will be getting to their place by 8, for goodness sake!  (Sorry, guys!!)

On the other hand, that means we'll probably get home in plenty of time to kick back and relax for a while before De arrives.  Then we just plan to go eat over at Roberto's, right down the road from us, instead of cooking anything.   So I guess the day won't be all THAT stressful. 

Not sure what time we will be going over to hear De on Sunday.  I looked online to find out what time their service would be, only to find that she will be preaching TWICE.

Well, I guess it'll be up to Mark which one we go to.  

It does seem odd that they say she'll be ordained in November, though, since it actually already happened last month!   Oh well, I'm sure the hours are right, even if some of the info is . . . "iffy."  (Just what IS a "viola da gamba" anyway????)

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