Got up this morning and discovered that I really need to ride a LOT more often -- my legs feel like they do when you've been riding an exercise bike for a good while and then when you get off you feel like walking is, well . . . a challenge. Didn't notice that yesterday when I finished riding, but it was very obvious when I got out of bed this morning!
I think I mentioned before that Duke scared me last week when I found him lying on his side in his stall, didn't I? Well, he's making a habit of that these days.
Duke as I discovered him mid-morning today - at least he's not laying out COMPLETELY flat this time! |
I thought he would get back up shortly, but 15 minutes later he's still asleep. (Look at that pink sunburned nose.) |
He did finally hear my camera clicking and he opened his eyes to see what was up. |
He doesn't appear to appreciate an audience, does he? |
And after a couple minutes he decided he might as well get up if I was going to stand there and keep taking his picture. (Sorry guy, but you need to reassure me.) |
He better hope he never has anything really wrong with him now, because I've stopped worrying about finding him lying down since he's making a habit of it!
![]() |
So now he's out in back "weeding" around the trees. |
While Duke was napping, Joey spent the morning keeping a close eye on the birds who for some reason are fighting. One will fly over and land on the fence and shortly another will come down and attack it and the two of them will fight in mid-air. I'll tell you what, though -- if they ever end up falling down even for a minute I have a feeling they'll be history. Joey - like Bucky, the Weimaraner I used to have, will freeze and stay absolutely still and wait for them to come close enough that he can just grab one. In Joey's case, it hasn't happened YET - that I know of - but it's obviously instinctive. Unlike the other dogs, he doesn't run after them, instead he just freezes wherever he is when they show up.
Watching the birds fight -- and just waiting for one to fall. (Looks like we need to let Duke into that dog yard to weed around the patio and the dog fence. He's soooo good at that!) |
The birds are back. |
VERY patient guy. |
I have to say, the boy LOOKS a lot more dangerous than he actually is, doesn't he? The truth is, he's afraid of just about everything and everyone that he's never seen before.
My Doberman is the same way. Scared of her own shadow. But willing to chase birds. Very small birds.
It wouldn't be nearly as embarrassing if he didn't do a high-pitched shrieking SCREAM when he sees a stranger. He sounds like someone is trying to kill him! (Even the vet came out to see what was up when he did that in the waiting room!)
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