Friday, April 13, 2012

Soooo glad to see the weekend . . .

When I drove in from work this evening, Lizzie was standing out at the end of her paddock with her head stuck through the wire eating the grass on the outside of her paddock.  Apparently she has cleared out all that good grass that was in there when she was initially closed in.  So I decided to let her out into the front yard for a half hour or an hour.  I didn't think I better leave her for long since there is SO much clover out there.  Wasn't sure if that would hurt her or not, so . . . better safe than sorry, right? 

Well, she had a FINE time.  She raced out the gate and slid to a stop all of 5 feet into the yard and started pulling up clover by the roots!  She would stand in one spot for a few bites, then race around another 10 feet or so and come to a stop for another few bites.  I could just hear her thinking "so much grass, so little time!" 

Duke was out in back, but when he caught sight of her he came RACING up to the gate.

Poor guy -- he looks like he's being punished by not being allowed out in front with Lizzie, doesn't he?!

But eventually she moved over out of sight of Duke and everyone felt better.

While Lizzie was out in front, I sat out on the porch to keep an eye on her and be sure she wouldn't eat the azaleas or gardenias -- or come up on the porch and unstack the hay!  I had a lead rope out there with me "in case" and for some reason or other the Garage Cat acted like that thing was soaked in catnip or something!  No idea what brought that on, but it sure was funny!

So we all had a nice evening.  And now that it's all of 9 PM, I'm going to bed!  There was a time that I would have considered that completely ridiculous.  But that was 20 years ago.  Now?  Well, "good night."

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