Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spoke too soon

I THOUGHT I would get to work half a day or less Friday because of all my recent overtime, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.  Jeanne is even going to be working on Friday this week.  The inventor on the major application we're preparing to file keeps adding and changing things.  And then we were asked to file another LSU application this week as well.  Apparently one of the inventors on that one is about to make some sort of public presentation.  You can file a U.S. application within one year after that sort of thing, but in order to be able to file applications outside the U.S. down the road, the U.S. application has to be filed BEFORE any of it is "public."  And so . . . back to work. 

Darn!  The weather has been so gorgeous this week.  And I so want to spend time more with Arthur. 

I did spend almost an hour out there tonight when I finally got home brushing and petting and "conversing" with him.  Not that he needed brushed.  Lizzie and Duke are shedding like crazy now that it's spring, but not him.  He's barely losing any hair at all.  And what's even better is that -- unlike Lizzie -- he is very tidy about his stall.  Like Duke, he goes outside to go to the potty, keeping his stall nice and clean!  What a guy!  His only problem is that he is not brave.  I need to work with him so he won't be so darned nervous.  He hasn't made any more really loud noises since he threw that fit at being loaded up alone, but he constantly makes little quiet "eeks."  (Hard to describe -- very high pitched quiet sound like someone poked him in the ribs or something.)  He's just very easily startled.  Well, the book about building confidence in mules arrived today.  Once I get back to a standard life again, I look forward to seeing what it says about how to do that with him.

But tonight, now that they've all been brushed and fed, and the dogs have been fed and let out and back in, it's time for ME to go to bed so I can get up early tomorrow -- AGAIN -- and get to work at dawn --  AGAIN.

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