Friday, June 24, 2011

Loooong week . . .

I knew this would be a stressful week since no one does any of my work while I'm on vacation.  So I had a week and a half of work to catch up on the last few days.  A hassle usually, but not all THAT bad.  But we had two deadlines today.  I decided to go in to work early so I wouldn't have to stay late.  Got there at 7:45 and got busy immediately.  When lunchtime came around, I started trying to figure out when I might be able to get away.  I knew I had to go pick up Joey at therapy before 5 and . . . oh! 


The poor little guy got left in his crate in the back seat of my truck for FIVE HOURS before I remembered that I hadn't taken him to therapy.  Thank heaven I park in a parking garage inside our building or the poor little guy could have been roasted to death!  That thought scared me to death.  When I finally remembered that he was there, I RACED out to the truck and threw open the door.  He was just lying there - and that REALLY scared me.  It turned out he was just sound asleep in his crate.  When he woke up he did start to pant just a little bit, but when I got him over to LSU he didn't even want a drink, so I guess he couldn't have been too warm.  But I feel so awful!  I don't know what I'm going to do in the future, but I'm certainly going to do SOMETHING differently.  Mark suggested I put a sticky note on the steering wheel when I take him to therapy.  Not a bad idea.  But thank goodness this week is over.  I REALLY need to rest up.  I've gotten used to not being able to find my keys, or my phone, or even my wallet . . . but my DOG????  This has got to stop.

I had all kinds of tests done the year before last because this kind of thing made me worry that I might have Alzheimer's.  They insisted that I do not.  Well now I guess I'll start doing some research to see if those shock treatments I had as a teenager could be affecting my memory even more now.  They DID wipe out about 10 years of memory completely at the time, so maybe it is what's causing these problems.  But actually, I guess the cause is less relevant than the really important question:  "Is there anything at all that can be done about it?"

I'm scared.

1 comment:

Misfit in Paradise said...

I will be thinking of you.