Sunday, October 9, 2016

We're fixing our closet again -- and again and again . . .

Well, we've gotten our closet even a bit better this week:  

Here's his side of the closet, and his shelves and things on his side there on the left.

We do have some boxes of things there below his clothes that we need to get out of there, but of course we haven't done that just yet . . . but soon, I hope!

Then here's my side of the closet -- and the center as well now.  (I DO have way more clothes than he does so I need to have more hanging areas.)

I have to get rid of SO many of those things there on my shelves there on the right -- and even some of my hanging clothes as well -- just have TOO many of them now that I'm not working anymore.

So hey -- if anyone I know needs any clothes of any sort, let me know!  You can come by and see which ones you might want and I'll be glad to pass them on!

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