Thursday, March 31, 2016

Bye David -- sure glad to have you visit!

Cousin David left for home up in Michigan this afternoon.  

Here's David heading out in his camper . . .

He has virtually everything in that camper -- almost like a home.  It's nice!
Seemed a bit strange to have David leave after he had been around here over the last few weeks!  But while he was here, he sure was a huge help with everything going around this place!   For starters, he helped replace the broken door on our horse trailer.

So here was that removed broken door before they replaced it --
and look how rusty those wheels were, too.  Yuk!

So here's the new door almost reinstalled --
the door closures haven't been installed yet, but will be soon.

And while they were at it, David cleaned up ALL those rusty wheels, too.
They sure look great NOW!
And while David was here, our dog Boo fell in love with him! And he would take him out for a walk all the time, too.  Now that he's gone, Boo keeps looking out the front door ALL the time, wondering where he is now.  ;-D
I'm trying to tell Boo to go lay down - there's no one out there now.
But he isn't willing to forget about it yet.  Sigh.
I hope he'll quit checking it out eventually now that David has gone home.

Well now Mark and I will be pretty much by ourselves again now for who knows how long.   We've had folks staying with us most of the time from last November right up until today! Well -- I guess now we'd better get friends to come over and visit or we'll be unusually lonely!  

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