Thursday, April 16, 2015

Barn porch is built - but we still have a LOT of things coming up . . .

We do plan to have a number of things done soon . . . well, we HOPE it all happens soon anyway.  

It's been pouring down rain every day for a week and it's going to continue storming all the way through this coming weekend, so no one wants to come out at the moment to give us a bid on the additional things -- more concrete around the barn, a dug out drain pipe to drain water from the barn and under our driveway, etc. etc.  And Blaze doesn't want to add those walls to the front porch while it's pouring down rain either.  But, the gutter person that I talked with last year IS going to come by Friday afternoon -- I got a bid from her back then, but then we decided to change the barn building so we didn't get it done at the time.  We were going to compare her bid with the gutter guy that Blaze works with, but he still hasn't gotten in touch.  I guess he doesn't want to go out in the rain either. 

Blaze's worker friend who does concrete did come by yesterday to give us a bid on the 8 X 16-foot concrete we want to add outside Duke's stall under his porch roof.  But he ended up bidding $2000!  Gees!  So I checked online at the price of all the things necessary for Mark and Jerry to do concrete work and it only added up to $300-$400 - plus paying Jerry, of course.  Still, I'm sure it will be less than $600 anyway.  MUCH better.

There's that area noted in red lines where we've decided we need the concrete added. (We've made that corner area smaller just so the drainage can work better than going around a full square.) And all those black dots indicate the drain space we also want to add so that if we bathe the horses over there the water will just run out drain area past that fence instead of soaking up the paddock.  

I'll tell you what, though, I am SO glad that Blaze had already completed the barn back roof by the time all this rain began because the horses seem to love it!  When it's storming and I check outside they're all just wandering around to each other's stalls under that covered porch roof over there at the barn. Nice!

Now that Mark is home to stay, I'm hoping to get a flight set up to go visit family and old friends in Ohio in May sometime. Haven't quite decided when exactly, but I'm looking forward to heading up there.

My boss left the office heading out on vacation yesterday at noon.  His Golden Retriever has learned to track missing people and she's been doing quite well testing her down here, so he's taking her up to Indianapolis for a competition entry up there this weekend.  Don't know what he has in mind for the following week but he won't be back until a week from next Monday or Tuesday.  It's going to be difficult for me not to take off a LOT while he's gone!  But I do need to save up those paid days off for vacation time down the line, so I guess I better do my best to head into work anyway.

Well at any rate, I got to go home just after 1 PM yesterday.  I had to work extra hours earlier this week to get all kinds of patent applications filed before he left so I do have enough extra time to have shorter days the rest of this week!  And Mark and I went over to Texas de Brazil for dinner yesterday as well! Fortunately for us, it wasn't pouring down rain when we walked in and when we came back out. 

As I said, though, most of the time lately the weather down here really is pretty awful -- but life is good!   

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