Thursday, November 20, 2014

Still MORE stress! . . .

Well, we got the notice yesterday that Uncle Ralph will be buried at Arlington National Cemetery.  As I noted yesterday, he died this week, but the burial up there won't be until February 17.  The burial that long from his death is a surprise to me.  But I think most of the family will be going up there for the burial.  If Mark can take off work, we also will go.
Then yesterday on Facebook, Tim Taggart posted that his wife had just died of a heart attack!  He has had cancer and had gotten better to a point where the two of them were traveling around the country together.  But now SHE has gone and he's by himself again.  How awful for him! 
The lives of just about everyone we know are compromising lately.  I'll tell you what, I'm even MORE grateful than I would have been ordinarily that Mark is just fine again, thank heaven.  So many of our friends and family have much worse stresses!  (Wendy, I think you need to go ahead and get married.  You need to live a "real" life NOW -- a nice happy one --  while you still can!)

1 comment:

Misfit in Paradise said...

I hope everything is okay with you. You haven't posted lately.